• Welcome to the Global Air Training Learning Management System.

      Moodle (Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment) is a learning management system (LMS) designed to help educators create and manage effective online courses. It is widely used by schools, universities, and businesses globally for blended or fully online learning. The LMS is your online learning hub, designed to make studying interactive, organised, and accessible. Whether you’re attending classes in person or online, our LMS is where you’ll find everything you need for your courses—all in one place.  

      What to Expect

      • Course Materials: Access lectures, readings, videos, and resources anytime. 
      • Assignments & Quizzes: Submit work online, take quizzes, and check deadlines.  
      • Grades & Feedback: Track your progress and view instructor feedback instantly.  
      • Stay Connected: Use forums, chats, or messages to collaborate with classmates and ask questions.
      • Mobile-Friendly: Use the Moodle app to study on the go.  

      Getting Started

      • Log in with your provided credentials.  
      • Explore your personalized dashboard to view enrolled courses.  
      • Click into courses to see weekly modules, activities, and updates.  

      Don’t worry the LMS is user-friendly! If you get stuck, look for help guides in the platform or reach out to your instructor.

Available courses

Human Performance and Limitations

This course delivers the HPL elements required to meet EASA requirements for CRM trainers. It's perfect for cabin CRM trainers, those who need HPL refresher training or didn't receive HPL training as part of their ATPL course. You'll gain an understanding of HPL, which is an essential requirement for CRM trainers.

This on-demand self-paced online programme makes learning convenient and easy. You'll receive access to engaging video modules, quizzes, a course support booklet, additional resources, and a final examination. Upon successfully completing the course, GAT will issue certification. The course takes approximately 12 learning hours to complete.

Crew Resource Management - Initial Training

This online initial CRM training package is a comprehensive self-paced training course covering all essential syllabus elements of current commercial CRM training defined by regulatory bodies including ICAO, EASA, FAA, CAA, CASA, TCA.

This online self-paced training may be used as a stand-alone initial CRM training package, or as part of a blended learning programme as appropriate and required by the nature of the aviation operation and applicable regulatory requirements.

The training content is equivalent to a 2-day initial CRM training course. The completion time is approximately 12-hours. On successful completion the student will receive certification.

Crew Resource Management for Remotely Piloted Aircraft

Are you looking to enhance the safety and efficiency of your Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) or Drone operations? Our Online Crew Resource Management (CRM) Training Course is designed specifically for RPAS and Drone operators, ensuring compliance with the latest regulatory standards from EASA, FAA, and CAA. This course also meets the IOGP Report 696 guidelines for Human Factors Training for RPAS and Drone operators in the oil and gas industry.

Maintenance Human Factors Refresher

MHF Refresher Module B

Our online, self-paced Aviation Maintenance Human Factors Refresher Course is designed to meet the requirements of EASA Part 145.30(e) and UK CAA, ensuring you're not just compliant but also equipped with the latest in human factors knowledge.

This online training may be used as a stand-alone MHF refresher training package, or as part of a blended learning programme as appropriate and required by the nature of the aviation operation and applicable regulatory requirements.

Maintenance Human Factors Refresher

MHF Refresher Module A

Our online, self-paced Aviation Maintenance Human Factors Refresher Course is designed to meet the requirements of EASA Part 145.30(e) and UK CAA, ensuring you're not just compliant but also equipped with the latest in human factors knowledge.

This online training may be used as a stand-alone MHF refresher training package, or as part of a blended learning programme as appropriate and required by the nature of the aviation operation and applicable regulatory requirements.

Maintenance Human Factors Initial

Our online, self-paced Aviation Maintenance Human Factors Course is designed to meet the requirements of EASA and FAA ensuring you're not just compliant but also equipped with the latest in human factors knowledge.

This online training may be used as a stand-alone initial MHF training package, or as part of a blended learning programme as appropriate and required by the nature of the aviation operation and applicable regulatory requirements.

Crew Resource Management Recurrent Course

Crew Resource Management Recurrent Training - Online Self-Paced Course - Package A

Global Air Training's online Recurrent CRM Training Packages are self-paced, comprehensive courses designed to meet the CRM syllabus set by ICAO, EASA, CASA, and TCA. This training focuses on key elements of commercial CRM as outlined by aviation regulatory bodies.

The Global Air Training Recurrent Programme approach not only helps ensure compliance with industry regulations but also supports continuous professional development in the area of CRM for aviation personnel.

Crew Resource Management Recurrent Course

Crew Resource Management Recurrent Training - Online Self-Paced Course - Package B.

Global Air Training's online Recurrent CRM Training Packages are self-paced, comprehensive courses designed to meet the CRM syllabus set by ICAO, EASA, CASA, and TCA. This training focuses on key elements of commercial CRM as outlined by aviation regulatory bodies.

The Global Air Training Recurrent Programme approach not only helps ensure compliance with industry regulations but also supports continuous professional development in the area of CRM for aviation personnel.

Crew Resource Management Case Study - Runway Incursion

This case study is a review of a runway incursion incident involving the crew of a cargo aircraft which crossed the runway holding position without air traffic control clearance. Whilst the situation was managed and did not lead to further incident, it could just as easily have resulted in a collision with another aircraft which was on its final approach.

The case highlights key lessons in appreciating how human and environmental factors can impact on safety performance and why we should never assume that all  individuals and organisations practically apply the safety lessons which have been learnt from past events and research.

Crew Resource Management Recurrent Course

Crew Resource Management Recurrent Training - Online Self-Paced Course - Package C.

Global Air Training's online Recurrent CRM Training Packages are self-paced, comprehensive courses designed to meet the CRM syllabus set by ICAO, EASA, CASA, and TCA. This training focuses on key elements of commercial CRM as outlined by aviation regulatory bodies.

The Global Air Training Recurrent Programme approach not only helps ensure compliance with industry regulations but also supports continuous professional development in the area of CRM for aviation personnel.

Case Study - A cognitive and communication blind spot contributes to permanent paralysis

Case studies are designed to provide practical examples of how human factors principles can be applied in healthcare settings. They are designed to compliment human factors training and intended to help participants understand the real-world implications of human factors in healthcare and to develop skills in applying these principles in their own work.

The study aims to explain why even well-trained professionals can make errors due to cognitive biases, particularly in information overload scenarios.

Human Factors in Healthcare

This course covers the fundamental elements of Human Factors in Healthcare, including human error, situational awareness, decision making and communication. We equip participants with non-technical skills that complement their existing technical competencies. By enhancing clinical performance through an understanding of the effects of teamwork, tasks, equipment, workspace, culture, and organisation on human behaviour in clinical settings, our training helps participants achieve a proactive approach to avoiding, trapping, and mitigating errors.